Moisture problems and black mold in the bathroom

When it comes to moisture and high humidity, no room in your house is quite like the bathroom. When left unchecked, moisture problems can cause serious problems like black mold to develop.

Of course, the main origin of all that moisture is the shower. Taking a hot shower releases a lot of moisture into the air and it obviously needs somewhere to go. Due to the short time span in which all this vapor is added to the bathroom air, the air becomes saturated with water. Unless the damp air is evacuated by a ceiling extractor, the moisture will start to condensate on every surface in your bathroom.

Mirrors, windows, ceilings and tiles are likely cooler than the damp air in the humid shower area. The cooler a surface, the more condensation will form. In winter, the condensation problem is often worse because outer walls and windows are cooled by the cold winter air. Also, we tend to keep windows closed to keep out the cold, which limits natural ventilation.

So what should you do when faced with black mold or musty air in the bathroom? Here are our suggestions:

-Having a good ceiling extractor is very important in preventing condensation and stopping moisture problems in the bathroom. Keep it switched on for a while after showering to remove remaining excess moisture.

-Clean the extractor fan regularly to prevent clogging.

-Use a squeegee and a towel to wipe down wet surfaces after bathing.

-Damaged tile, grout or sealant? Repair or replace it to prevent moisture from seeping into cracks.

-Remove black mold. Products that contain sodium hypochlorite usually work best.

-PlacePingiXtreme to help maintain healthy moisture levels during the day when the ceiling fan is turned off.

Why Pingi? Because Pingi products are specially developed to help you solve moisture problems.Pingi products are affordable, effective and easy to use.