Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions about PINGI dehumidifiers. You can select the relevant category using the buttons. The word in front of each question indicates which product line that specific question is about: ALL for all products / REUSABLE for PINGI microwave-rechargeable products / I-DRY for PINGI i-Dry products. Please use the form on the contact page if you have a question that can not yet be found in our FAQ. We will try to answer your question as soon as possible. Do you also have a tip? Do not hesitate sending us a message.

HERBRUIKBAAR - Is PINGI goed voor mijn portemonnee?

Omdat PINGI herbruikbare producten kunnen worden geregenereerd, kunt u ze vele malen hergebruiken. U zult zien dat u daardoor niet in navullingen hoeft te investeren en u zult doordat gedurende de tijd geld besparen.

ALLE - Wat doen PINGI luchtontvochtigers en luchtbevochtigers?

PINGI producten helpen u luchtvochtigheid onder controle te krijgen in uw huis, boot of auto. De luchtontvochtigers in de PINGI familie, bestrijden vocht en muffe geurtjes in afgesloten, slecht geventileerde ruimten. PINGI luchtbevochtigers verhogen juist de luchtvochtigheid in kamers die te droog zijn, dit kan bijvoorbeeld te wijten zijn aan airconditioning of centrale verwarming. Onze producten kunnen daarmee bijdragen aan veraangenamen van uw persoonlijke omgeving.

ALLE - Hoe komt vocht in huis?

Vocht is in ieder huis aanwezig. Iedere dag produceren de bewoners (mensen en huisdieren) vele liters water. Niet alleen ontstaat vocht door transpiratie en uitademing, maar ook bij activiteiten als koken, wassen, douchen en baden creëren we vocht door verdamping. Een gemiddeld huishouden produceert ongeveer 10 tot 15 liter water per dag. Bovendien kan stijgend grondwater een belangrijke bron van vochtproblemen vormen. Zolang er voldoende ventilatie is, hoeft vocht echter geen problemen te geven. Het zijn juist kleine, slecht geventileerde ruimtes waar problemen zich voordoen. Dit is waar PINGI zich echt thuis voelt!

ALLE - Hoe weet ik of mijn huis te vochtig is?

Er zijn diverse signalen dat de luchtvochtigheid te hoog is, zoals: muffe luchtjes, het loslaten van behang, natte muren, condens, vochtige kasten of zelfs schimmel. U kunt daarnaast natuurlijk ook een PINGI hygrometer aanschaffen.

ALLE - Wat is het verschil tussen de elektrische en niet-elektrische Pingi producten?

Onze herbruikbare, niet-elektrische producten zijn na verzadiging in de magnetron te herladen. Elektrische producten als Pingi i-Dry kunt u herladen door ze na verzadiging in het stopcontact te steken. Omdat de elektrische producten een harde kunststof buitenkant hebben zijn ze bovendien extra goed bestand tegen vuil en slijtage.

HERBRUIKBAAR - Mag mijn PINGI ook in de wasmachine wanneer hij vies is geworden?

Nee, beslist niet. Het product zal er onherstelbaar door beschadigen.

HERBRUIKBAAR - Kan ik mijn PINGI ook in de koelkast of vriezer gebruiken om ijsvorming te voorkomen?

U kunt het veilig proberen, maar PINGI is hier niet specifiek voor ontwikkeld of getest. Wij raden niet aan PINGI herbruikbaar hier speciaal voor aan te schaffen.

HERBRUIKBAAR - Moet ik PINGI tussentijds legen?

Nee, u hoeft geen water weg te gieten. Controleer de indicator regelmatig even. PINGI herbruikbaar wordt, afhankelijk van het product, herladen in de magnetron, in de zon of aan het stopcontact. Lees wel altijd de gebruiksaanwijzing voor gebruik. 

HERBRUIKBAAR - Moet ik de korrels uit het zakje halen?

Nee, dit is niet nodig. Knip het zakje nooit open. Het zakje is vochtdoorlatend. Verwijder wel het doosje en andere verpakkingsmaterialen voor gebruik.

HERBRUIKBAAR - Moet ik mijn herlaadbare PINGI product met nieuwe korrels navullen?

Nee, beslist niet. Een PINGI schaft u voor langere tijd aan. Bij normaal gebruik gaat een herbruikbare PINGI vele laadbeurten mee.  Let op; de producten in de categorie eenmalig gebruik zijn vanzelfsprekend niet herlaadbaar of hebben navullingen nodig.


PINGI kan op iedere plek worden neergelegd. Leg PINGI producten echter nooit in een plas water, of op een plek waar het zakje met vet in aanraking kan komen. Eventueel kunnen PINGI zakjes met behulp van het touwtje opgehangen worden tussen kleding. De i-Dry L heeft een bijgeleverde haak voor gebruik in bijvoorbeeld de kledingkast.

HERBRUIKBAAR - Hoeveel PINGI producten heb ik nodig in welke ruimte?

We hebben een breed assortiment. Op de individuele productpagina’s vindt u voor welke ruimte een product wordt geadviseerd. Iedere ruimte is natuurlijk anders, waardoor de resultaten kunnen variëren.

HERBRUIKBAAR - Waar kan ik PINGI luchtontvochtigingsproducten gebruiken?

In vrijwel iedere (kleine) afgesloten ruimte waar u vochtproblemen heeft: Auto / Caravan /Kelderkast / Keuken / Kledingkast / Schoenenkast / Garage / Tuinhuis / Kelder / Zolder / Voorraadkast / Keukenkast / Trapkast / enz. enz. 

I-DRY - How do I recharge PINGI i-Dry?

PINGI i-Dry has its own plug and can be recharged by connecting the device to any power point for 8 – 12 hours. Please do this in a well ventilated area like your kitchen.

REUSABLE - What precautions should I take while recharging?

Always place the product on a clean microwave proof plate. If you are not sure if your plates are microwave proof, you can use glass ovenware (Pyrex). To be on the safe side, you can place a double-folded kitchen paper under your PINGI. The indicator should always be facing upwards when recharging.

REUSABLE - Is it a problem that the moisture evaporating out of PINGI while recharging ends up back in my home?

You must realise that the average household sometimes produces 10 to 15 litres of water vapour per day. No dehumidifier can absorb all of this moisture. This is also not necessary since the excess moisture will leave the home through ventilation. Dehumidifiers such as Pingi and other products are intended to absorb moisture in places where there is insufficient ventilation to remove it. Normally the amount of moisture in these small rooms (e.g. cellar cupboard, kitchen sink cupboard) is not very large in terms of the number of litres, but causes problems because the moisture can not escape through ventilation. Yet the removal of the relatively small amount of moisture from the space can resolve the problem. With PINGI Reusable, this absorbed moisture is then evaporated in a place where it can be more easily removed through ventilation (kitchen) – with other products it is poured down your drain with the corrosive residue of the hygroscopic salt.

REUSABLE - Can I remove all water from PINGI bags with the microwave?

A new PINGI bag can absorb about 40% of its content weight in water from the air. This has been verified by n independent laboratory. The maximum capacity itself will not decrease significantly after you start using it. However, when you recharge it at the recommended time and Wattage some water will be retained inside the bag. This prevents the bag overheating in the microwave when the water has evaporated. We therefore strongly recommend not trying to remove every last droplet of water and sticking to the recommended recharging time. We usually compare it to the fuel reserve a car needs. It would not be safe to wait until the very moment the tank runs dry before refuelling your vehicle. That is why some gasoline is always kept in reserve.

REUSABLE - Are silica beads suitable for microwave regeneration?

Not all silica beads are. But PINGI beads can be readily regenerated. While over time some of the beads might split due to the stress of steam escaping that has no significant effect on the performance. This has been independently verified.

REUSABLE - Can I regenerate PINGI bags on the microwave grate?

PINGI can be recharged in the microwave oven, but the metal grate must always be removed due to heat development. If necessary, a double-folded kitchen paper can be placed under PINGI while recharging to retain excessive moisture. A saucer should always be placed under PINGI during regeneration.

REUSABLE - Can I also recharge PINGI in a conventional oven?

No, unfortunately this is not possible without damaging the product. If you do not have a microwave oven available, you can recharge the bag in the sun or on a central heating radiator if necessary. This, however, will take much longer than in the microwave oven and does not offer optimal results due to the irregular heating.

REUSABLE - Do I need to loosen the string when recharging?

In connection with the evaporation, we certainly recommend this. Should you occasionally forget, this will not cause issue.

REUSABLE - Why does the indicator need to face upwards when I am recharging PINGI bags?

As the indicator needs to react to small changes in the humidity level, it is very sensitive to liquid water. When PINGI is being recharged drops of water may form beneath PINGI. If the indicator were to face downward, these drops could damage the indicator function.

REUSABLE - What is the recommended recharging time / setting?

Please consult the ‘Additional information’ section on the individual product page.

REUSABLE- When do I recharge a PINGI Reusable product?

Each PINGI has a unique indicator that changes colour from blue to light-pink. When PINGI is saturated, the indicator will turn pink. PINGI should then be recharged.

I-DRY - The indicator on my i-Dry is black. Is there a problem?

No need to worry. The nearly black color is in fact a very dark green. This mostly happens during the recharging phase. It will turn to orange after further recharging.

I-DRY - Help! The indicator lights on my new i-Dry or Shoe Dry are not working.

There is no problem with your i-Dry or Shoe Dry. The indicator screen does not work with a LED light, but with a special color dye that reacts to humidity. You will notice that the pearls behind the transparent window have either a dark blue, a pink hue, or a color in between. When the pearls have a blue color the device is ready to absorb moisture. It will change to pink gradually as it absorbs moisture. When the pearls have a pink color the device can be regenerated.

REUSABLE - The indicator on my PINGI product seems worn, can I still use my PINGI?

The indicator on your PINGI will show signs of wear and tear over time. This is normal. The product can still be used however. To see when PINGI is fully saturated and ready to be recharged, you can check the weight of your PINGI. When saturated your PINGI will weigh approximately the sum of its empty weight and its absorption capacity. So if you own a Pingi Bag 250g. with an absorption capacity of 100 cc, the total weight when saturated will be +/- 250g + 100g = 350 g.

REUSABLE - The indicator on my PINGI changes to pink very quickly. What can I do?

When this occurs, we suggest you increase the recharging time in your microwave oven by 2 minutes.

REUSABLE - The indicator shows various stains. What can be wrong?

The indicator is very sensitive, because it needs to react to small variations in humidity. When the indicator comes into contact with liquid water by accident, the indicator might start to show stains. Therefore always recharge PINGI with the indicator facing upwards.

REUSABLE - Brown spots have developed on the PINGI fabric. Why is this?

In a microwave oven that is not cleaned well, there can be a layer of grease at the bottom. In contrast to water, this grease does not evaporate and will become very hot in the microwave oven where it touches the bag. This can leave scorch marks on the bag and can even lead to damage of the bag. Prevent the bag from touching grease and recharge PINGI on a double-folded kitchen paper and a clean saucer.

REUSABLE - I have to recharge PINGI every few days. Is something wrong with my PINGI?

When this happens we advise you to increase recharging time by 2 minutes.

REUSABLE - The indicator on my PINGI repeatedly changes to pink, but then changes back to blue on its own. Is there something wrong with my PINGI?

In this case you are probably using your PINGI in a bathroom or similar space with fluctuating humidity level. You can do this, but the strong fluctuations in the humidity level confuse the indicator. When the indicator keeps turning blue shortly after taking a bath or shower, the ventilation in the room itself is probably enough to take care of any excess moisture in the air. When PINGI is full of moisture, the product will no longer be able to remove any more moisture from the air. The indicator will change colour depending on the current humidity level in the room. When the relative humidity percentage (RH) is over 65 percent, the indicator turns pink. When it is below 65 percent, the indicator will be blue. All you need to do is to regenerate it to restore its dehumidifying function.

ALL - I have placed PINGI in my parked camper/caravan, but the air remains musty. Why is this?

After being used for a season, a camper/caravan can get really moist inside. The mattresses, pillows and similar items can literally contain many liters of moist. It is recommended to remove such items from the camper/caravan before parking it for the off-season. Before locking it up it is also strongly recommended to give the camper/caravan time to air, so the largest part of moist can escape. After removing the mentioned items and proper ventilation, you can place 2 or more PINGI dehumidifiers inside (The same goes for boats) PINGI XL is ideally suited for these tasks.

REUSABLE - What should I do when a family member has swallowed the contents of a PINGI Reusable product?

After swallowing the contents of the product rinse the mouth and drink generous amounts of water. Swallowing the contents of PINGI Basic products (SiO2 pearls) is not likely to cause further negative health effects. The content is chemically stabile and not flammable. Consult your physician for further advise.

CHEMICAL - Can the product emit unhealthy fumes in the microwave oven?

No, this will not happen. This was extensively tested.

REUSABLE- Can I safely use PINGI in my car, caravan or boat without worrying about water leaking out?

PINGI is the ideal moisture-absorber for in the car. Even when driving the car, nothing can happen with PINGI since it can not leak or overflow.

REUSABLE - Are your reusable products corrosive?

PINGI Reusable and i-Dry products do not leak and do not cause aggressive chemical reactions (such as corrosion). If the bag containing the moisture-absorbing pearls breaks unexpectedly, the pearls will not harm your furniture or belongings. Please mind to keep the products away from children, as they are not toys and the content can cause dehydration if swallowed.

ALL - How can I dispose of a PINGI product at the end of its service life?

PINGI Reusable and Single-Use products are chemically stabile and can usually be disposed as household waste at the end of their service life. PINGI i-Dry products are electrical devices and should usually be dropped off at designated recycling stations. Please dispose of PINGI products according to national and local regulation.